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Scored to Inspire: Song of Cathay 躍動心靈之音:國泰躍韻

cathaypacific 32,855 7 months ago
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Music is a unifying language that brings people together by transcending cultures and boundaries. We're delighted to present Song of Cathay, a musical odyssey that moves us emotionally and forward. Our uplifting, inspirational and journey-like composition, crafted by leading sonic design agency, Sixième Son, is inspired by the vibrancy of Hong Kong as well as our love for travel and aviation. Performed by Asian Youth Orchestra, the piece articulates the warm sense of hospitality and the spirit of adventure. Delve into our creation process behind Song of Cathay, and discover how we put together a tune that evokes your fond memories of travel through our #MoveBeyond spirit. Learn more on #Cathaystories: #Cathay 音樂是一種能夠跨越文化與地域的語言,連繫彼此。全新品牌樂曲《國泰躍韻》,將以嶄新的旋律躍動心靈,引領我們向前邁進。 這首振奮、鼓舞人心及充滿旅程感的作品,由聲音品牌策略公司 Sixième Son 精心設計,靈感源自香港的城市脈搏,還有我們對旅遊與航空的熱忱;樂曲由亞洲青年管弦樂團演奏,將溫暖的款客之道,以及冒險精神呈現大家耳邊。 一同深入《國泰躍韻》的每個製作細節,了解我們如何以旋律喚起你在旅途上的美好回憶,讓你聽到 #志在飛躍 的精神。 了解更多 #國泰故事: #Cathay
