Welcome to my channel Everyone !!!!!!!🤠
ScrapRona’s 500 Subscriber Hop
Thank you so much for joining us in celebrating this exciting YouTube milestone. Each of the creators listed here truly appreciate YOU taking the time to watch our videos, like, comment and subscribe! This wouldn’t be any fun without YOU!
I have two giveaways today!! I will draw for the winners on March 15th. The prizes are each $25 Gift Certificates to the Pretty Little Studio Store. This giveaway is open to anyone worldwide (the PLS store offers digitals so even if you are outside the US you can purchase digitals with the gift certificate and not worry about shipping costs) To be entered in drawing #1 you must watch and comment on each video in the playlist (or the hop list below) and then leave a comment on my video letting me know that you have done so. You must also be a subscriber. The second drawing will be among the YouTube creators helping me celebrate today! Thank you all!!
Click this playlist link to see each of the videos in the hop:
Each of the channels participating:
ScrapRona - https://youtu.be/7MJScsB-Nrc
Jessica Walker - https://youtu.be/tgM8CxMmqsI
Michele McCants - https://youtube.com/@stampbooker?si=bHwBwSCjDnMq0VG1
Lisa Cuneo - https://youtube.com/@lisacuneo?si=9USp8vneM2J_eEmU
Linda Mowat - https://youtube.com/@thescrapbookingphotographe3607?si=1E_D6zqfkrKwHKiN
Megan Paulos - https://www.youtube.com/@CraftyMeggy
Kathy Price - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2b5YkXgkPelS885jjHv4fA
Briana Spors - https://youtube.com/@lovemylifeonpaper?si=TLZcIZERCison1Nv
Amanda Leckie - http://www.youtube.com/@aleckiecreates
Mel Walkden- https://youtube.com/@MelWScrapping
Tara O’Rourke - https://www.YouTube.com/@thepapersnob
Miranda Webber - https://www.youtube.com/@MirandaWebber82
Kristen Foster - https://youtube.com/@scrappingonthefly1217…
Ashley Thescrappingnerd - https://youtube.com/@thescrappingnerd3566...
Christine Hardin - https://youtube.com/@ScrappingHarden?si=KBoj3HzCGFIT2Mqe
Hollie Fiercely - www.youtube.com/ivycoelcreations
Janet Fritz - https://youtube.com/@GalaxyGirlCreations?si=uo3rF5T2nGz3zIT_
MK Gunn - https://www.youtube.com/@SomeAssemblageRequiredMKGunn
Hannah Lopez - https://youtube.com/@hannahlopezdandalion2002...
Roni Sue Scrapper - (294) Roni Sue Scrapper - Veronica Deaton - YouTube
Nikki Kranawetter -
Some of the Products I used were from Scrapbook Fantasies.
They ship Internationally