Build your own model ships from scratch!
EC Henry discussing Colin Cantwell's work:
The Imperial Cantwell-class Arrestor Cruiser is too damn cool, and I knew I wanted to make one as soon as I saw it onscreen in Andor.
Materials Used:
Styrene Sheets (1mm and 0.5mm)
Styrene rods, half rods, and strips
Two ribbon bobbins, several bottle caps
Approximately half of a model JMSDF ship
Three toy pan lids
Assorted boxes and doodads from kits I've totally lost track of what they are
Weld-On 3
Too much CA glue
Acrylic paints for basecoating, oils for weathering
Songs are royalty free and obtained from Pixabay. In order, they are:
Abstract World by AlexiAction
Space Diving by Mezhdunami
Cosmic Universe by Fanchisanchez
Epic Motivational Trailer by AudioCoffee
0:00 Intro
1:17 Cutting
2:00 Assembly
4:16 Detailing
5:58 Kitbashing!
10:30 The Dishes
12:38 Putting it all together
13:21 Painting Begins
14:56 Pinwash
16:03 Final Touches
16:58 Outro
#starwars #kitbash