Maia SDR is a new open-source project with the main goal of promoting FPGA development for SDR and increasing the collaboration between the open-source SDR and FPGA communities. In the first stage of the project, the focus is on the development of a firmware image for the ADALM Pluto that performs most of the signal processing on the Zynq FPGA. A first version already provides the capability of displaying a realtime waterfall display of up to 61.44Msps in a WebSDR-like interface, and recording IQ data at up to 61.44Msps to the Pluto DDR (400MiB maximum recording size). The FPGA design is written in Amaranth, a Python-based HDL. There is an application running on the Zynq ARM CPU that provides a web server with a REST API for user interface and control. It is written in asynchronous Rust. Finally, the user interface is a web application written in Rust and compiled to WebAssembly. It uses WebGL2 to render the waterfall using a GPU. One of the goals of Maia SDR is to provide a portable solution for exploring the RF world in the field, using a smartphone to run the user interface.
Camera & Edit: FurStreaming
Sebastian Kipp, DL5WN
Marc Diensberg, DO1BOL
Torben Hellige