Hi B's! Welcome Back! This video was filmed a couple weeks ago before we moved out for summer break! I noticed that there were not a lot of in depth tours of Olmeca, so I wanted to make a lil video about it! This is also for incoming freshman who are curious of one of the many housing they could get, and for my memeory sake of my freshman dorm haha! I hope you enjoy the video and make sure to LIKE and SUBSRIBE down below to get notified when new videos are posted:) I hope you have an amazing day, and I will see you in the next video! Love you B's!
Who am I: Bella Galvez
Grade: freshman @ sdsu
Age: 18
Instagram: bellagalvezzz https://www.instagram.com/bellagalvezzz/
Why a yt channel like every other teenager: this is mainly for memories sake