To watch the English version of this episode here:
More and more often, Harry ends up going home early because he can’t stand the cold while playing outside with his friends. Feeling sorry for Harry, his friends go to Tongtong to see if he can help. Tongtong tells them of a magical warm spring where Harry and them can play together. Everyone gets excited and goes looking for the magical spring. Meanwhile, ignorant of his friends’ surprise plan and feeling left out, Harry does training exercises in order to beat the cold.
A fun adventure story of the forest village where Pororo and friends live. New friends show up in the village and many exciting things happen in the forest. Mischievous boys Pororo and Crong, dollish Loopy, naughty Patty, brainy Eddie, strong Roddie, good Poby, chatterbox Harry, wizard Tong tong, and a red car Tu-tu live in a snowy Porong Porong Village. Every one of themselves has different characteristics. They look different and want to do different activities. By disporting themselves, they learn about their own merits and faults and how to considerate of others.
🎥Wait, what?! You still haven't watched the Pororo Movie "Porong Porong Rescue Mission"?!
🎉Best show for kids and english learners!! Pororo English Show !!:
✏️Let's learn color, number, weather with Pororo! Pororo Chant!
🎵Nursery Rhyme has story!:
🎬To watch more Pororo's Animated shorts :
✨Pororo Season 5 is now on YouTube!! Click here :