OG - KFDI Ryan said no to all my name suggestions
OO - Biden2028
CG - (We'll get back to you)
CO - ian’s goats
Judges: Mukudzeiishe MadzivireⒸ , Imran Ilmam , Isagani Miguel Ranillo , Raihan Rahman , Willian Souza
Infoslide: Purgatory is the concept where those who are seen as ‘morally grey’ or ‘morally neutral’ are placed into an afterlife which is neither heaven nor hell, but somewhere in the middle. This is in contrast to most religious beliefs which only have a heaven or hell
Motion: THP a world where the existence of purgatory was the dominant religious norm.
Advancing - CG (4-1) and OG (3-2)
My call in delibs: CG OG CO OO