This may be hard to fathom in the times we live in now where music is driving more tech than culture but in the mid 1990's Seattle became the center of the music universe. Grunge bloomed and thrived, flannels and Doc Martens came into Vogue. a city was transformed and the ones who led the music scene became bigger than life. Kurt Cobain, whose birthday was a couple of days ago, Chris Cornell, Eddie Vedder, Layne Staley. They were a palatable presence in the various subcultures throughout the city. One stood out for me, Mark Lanegan.
His ability to tap into the human psyche and soul was unparalleled. He went deep and complex and offered a guide for the listener.
I spoke to him a few times. His was one of those abilities that allowed the artist to bare his soul and help you find your own.
***The documentary was part of an installation our Co-Founder at SAMA, Darek Mazzone, created for the Music & Culture Museum, MoPop. The footage was licensed from the HYPE Movie about Seattle. The Interviews were filmed by Darek.
#Marklanegan #Seattlemusic #poets