When you turn an easy day trip into a mint little overnighter camped up in a valley with no one around. Giant cliffs, amazing views - it can only be Ocean Beach in the Wairarapa!
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In this video
Onoke Spit - https://navigator.overland.nz/track/onoke-spit-513qey
Ocean Beach - https://overlandnavigator.co.nz/track/ocean-beach-v4vg4j
(Quick reminder about the low flight zone in this area and to avoid flying drones in it - maps are available on Airshare, be sure to avoid any area marked out where aircraft may be operating)
Overland Navigator - https://navigator.overland.nz - find awesome places to explore!
Grab Overland NZ merch - https://overland.nz/shop
Our friends
AC Fab - https://acfab.co.nz/
Ryco - https://ryco.co.nz
Feldon Shelter - https://www.feldonshelter.com/
Rhino-Rack - http://www.rhinorack.co.nz/
Kaizen Works - https://kaizenworks.co.nz
CTEK - https://www.ctek.com
Parallel Auto Electrical - https://www.parallelautoelectrical.co.nz
Leo Wolff - https://leowolff.com/
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