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We warmly invite you to contribute generously to the construction of the Kriyayog Ashram, a sacred space devoted to fostering peace and spiritual growth. - SSKA@UPI
00:00 - Introduction (Four Pillars Of Kriyayoga)
00:31 - Explaination of Pranayam
01:01 - Two main Vayus (Prana and Apana)
01:21 - Location of the Prana and Apana
04:06 - Ayama
04:55 - Power of Trideva in a Human
05:24 - Bhautik Shwas Kriya
06:03 - 7 main chakras of the body and 72000 main nadis
06:36 - Ida and Pingala Nadi
08:00 - 5 Koshas of our body
08:30 - Pranmaya Kosha
16:23 - Poorak, Rechak, Kumbhak (antarik evam baahaya).
17:20 - Guidance of Maharishi Patanjali on Pranayama
20:33 - What is Pranayama
21:17 - Another formula of pranayama by Maharishi Patanjali
25:50 - Third fomrula for pranayama by Maharishi Patanjali (Fourth type of Pranayama)
27:36 - Necessary things to take control over breath
29:09 - Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta on Pranayama - 4th adhyaya, 29th shloka
35:16 - Pranayama for Kriyayoga - Nadishodhan
40:06 - Ashram Nirman for Kriyayoga Practice
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