Domino tiles are an ideal way to display numbers due to their symmetry and that most people are familiar with them. They are useful to examine the notion and retention of numbers, as well as the calculation capacity.
The Dominoes test, also called D48, is one of the so-call non-verbal, cross-cultural intelligence test and was created by the English psychologist E. Anstey for exclusive use of the British Navy. It measures the general intelligence ability of subjects according to their logical faculties, and it is based on the deduction of laws or principles of relations.
Knowledge of domino game does not give any advantage, just a greater familiarity with the tiles. Despite this test is related to numbers, it does not require mathematical knowledge or special skills. You simply keep in mind that dots are in a cyclic order, so that after the tile with value 6, comes the blank tile.
Questions are generally classified by increasing difficulty and order, and are based on the following principles: symmetry, alternation and simple progression, asymmetry, circular progression, complex progression, combination of previous principles, addition and subtraction, among others.
The principle is to identify one or more laws, keeping in mind that the upper and lower sides of the domino tiles are not always governed by the same laws. As a general rule always use the easiest law or principle.
To answer each problem you must select the orientation in which the tile should appear as well as the dots of each side of the tile, for which you must first identify the principle governing the disposition of the domino tiles.
Good Luck!
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