Secrets of the Magna Carta - Part 1: A Bloody Conflict | History Documentary
Watch 'Secrets of the Magna Carta - Part 2' here:
Secrets of the Magna Carta, tells the story of the legendary document that dates from the time of Robin Hood. It is the most highly valued piece of paper in the world, and has changed the course of history. Magna Carta is a standard against which we can judge how free we are. So how do we measure up today? These films give us reasons to celebrate, but also to be fearful.
Episode 1:
The document known as Magna Carta (‘the Great Charter’) is almost a thousand years old and is thought to possess near-mystical powers. Episode one shows its origins and connection with the legendary freedom fighter Robin Hood. It shows how Magna Carta was the product of bloody conflict, and how it subsequently exerted an extraordinary influence on the course of human history; enshrining rights that today, people all over the world take for granted.
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