• Sister Miriam's goal is to offer points for prayer rather than giving a traditional talk.
• Emphasis on encountering Jesus during the conference peak, especially during adoration and confessions.
Reflection on the Story of the Rich Young Man:
• Sister Miriam reads the scripture passage from Matthew and Mark regarding the rich young man asking Jesus about eternal life.
• Highlights the young man's zeal and the void he feels despite his faithful adherence to commandments.
Interpretation and Personal Connection:
• Discussion on how the young man's encounter with Jesus reflects common struggles and yearnings for deeper intimacy with God.
• The young man's reaction to Jesus’s challenge (to sell his possessions and follow Him) is one of sorrow and struggle with his needs.
Invitation to Recognize Personal Needs:
• Sister Miriam invites the audience to recognize their personal needs and fears.
• Emphasis on how Jesus looks at us with a gaze of love, recognizing our needs deeply.
The Role of True Love and Freedom:
• Reflection on true love’s respect for the other's freedom and God’s exquisite respect for our autonomy.
• An invitation to joyful obedience and embracing vulnerability and dependence on God.
Role of Our Lady:
• Discussion on our perpetual need for a maternal figure, using Our Lady as an example.
• Encouragement to turn to Our Lady for comfort and guidance, like a child needing its mother.
Preparation for Adoration and Confession:
• Encouragement to experience Jesus’s presence during adoration and to seek truth and healing through confession.
• Emphasizes the unconditional love and understanding that Jesus offers.
Practical Exercise:
• Invites the audience to silently reflect, breathe deeply, and say the name of Jesus as a form of prayer and opening their hearts to His love.
Prayer and Silent Reflection:
• Sister Miriam leads the audience in a closing prayer asking for the Holy Spirit to open hearts and facilitate a deep encounter with Jesus.