Happy February, my friends! I was so happy to turn the calendar page to a new month because January was just too long and challenging for me and many close to me.
And with a new month, comes new commitments, new hope and a promise to myself to greet each day with smile — no matter what.
I've been busy here at the farm, celebrating Candlemas on Feb. 2 by making a new batch of candles.
I also celebrated St. Brigid's Day, Feb. 1 by hanging scarves and ribbons in the trees so that the saint can walk by them at night and bless them with her healing touch. I never hung the scarves before, but this is the year I think we are all searching and seeking more healing — and goodness in the world.
I also have a special story of three candles to share with you...it is at the 12:46 mark in the video. It's a story that touched my heart and one that I hope blesses your day.
So come! Let us gather around the farm table in my old kitchen and let us begin our journey from winter to spring, as Feb. 2 was also the halfway mark to a new season!
Let me know how you are spending this February days! And have you seen any snowdrops yet?
Like, share, comment! Blessings to you all!