आम कलम सवाल जवाब सत्र भाग -1 /Mango Grafting questions answer session part https://youtu.be/Pk-jG6MdFok ,आम कलम सवाल जवाब सत्र भाग -2/Mango Grafting questions answer session part-2 https://youtu.be/4iZaxSKB2Sg , आम कलम सवाल जवाब सत्र भाग -3/Mango Grafting questions answer session part-3 https://youtu.be/9sElts1odmc ,आम कलम के संबंध में सवाल जवाब सत्र/selection of mango questions and answers session https://youtu.be/aGdmlCj_YBY .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Big mango tree grafting by bark method in English- https://youtu.be/35Wo2xH8eck
2) mango tree grafting by bark method- https://youtu.be/npj32Za5gaA
3) how to make polythene strips for big trees- https://youtu.be/SgmCXIRr7Po
4) how to make polythene strips for small trees- https://youtu.be/c4DTjyy9LN0
5) how to tie polythene to grafting trees- https://youtu.be/0QjkPzCVz_c
6) stone grafting on mango seeds- https://youtu.be/vDr-_5IJCn4
7) selection of scion immediately from mango tree- https://youtu.be/RpRK6ZKTFDA
8) selection of scion from mango tree process in Hindi- https://youtu.be/43zfocS0bZo
9) how to select mango scion in English- https://youtu.be/kFfBjJ64hoE
10) ber grafting on big tree- https://youtu.be/oRWuAPl0ouM
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