Absolutely free ways to protect your brain without having to open your wallet for capitalism.
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Being in the club means you get: a free weekly podcast, access to a secret facebook group, a free poetry collection and play written by me, access to livestreams AND you get to access to all my videos before anyone else sees them!
Things I mention:
Google Keep: https://keep.google.com/
Boomerang for gmail: https://www.boomeranggmail.com/
Boomerang for outlook: https://www.boomerangoutlook.com/
Self-care podcast about completing your stress cycle: The cure for burnout (hint: it isn't self-care) | Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski https://open.spotify.com/episode/0NOQS1nx8IVicjhEdRHh7D?si=_-mljvtNSSui_tsAmktfoA&utm_source=copy-link&dl_branch=1&nd=1
Another podcast episode on self-care I found useful: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2r5JsZE7r2GIubRzJ61ild
IF NEWSLETTERS ARE YOUR THING, sign up to get a little letter in your inbox from me once in a while! As a thank you for signing up, you’ll get a FREE downloadable list of my best books of all time: https://leenanorms.substack.com/subscribe
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TWITTER: https://twitter.com/leenanorms
All music used is licensed through Epidemic Sound - I've been using them for years and hand-on-heart it's really fab. You get unlimited use of their music per month for a pretty bargain fee. Here's my referral link (if you sign up through it I get a free month): https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/1b1yhj/
If you're a company that makes plastic-free products, pays their tax and doesn't exploit people, I'd love to hear from you if you'd like to sponsor the channel: [email protected]
Hello and welcome to the SEO paragraph, pull up a beanbag, this should be a good time. Better health is something we're all chasing, because you know, we don't want to die. Self-care is presented as a preventative measure against dying, which is cool. Things like drinking more water, getting enough sleep, morning pages, mindfulness... but it can also be things that can become incredibly expensive or add more tasks to your day. Yoga classes, bath bombs, expensive candles, fitness trackers, fancy pillows, high-end sports wear, manicures, massages... all great, but probably not essential. Preventing burnout shouldn't involve putting more tasks on your to-do list, so I've compiled a list of one-and-done things you can do to cut time and stress later down the line. Your 'journey to recovery' should also include things like... seeking advice from a mental health professional, actively backing away from what is causing you stress (if poss) rather than finding mechanisms to cope with it, reassessing your relationships and living situation, asking if you are actually in a life and going in a direction that you want and suits your needs. After all THAT, maybe consider purchasing some fancy bubble bath. To celebrate.