With over 250 thousand views of this incredible last rack, we are sure you have seen the exciting way this match ends... (https://youtu.be/4jmeLJaO3CQ) But, it begs the question: HOW did it get there?!?!? Now you will get the chance to find out! Watch the ENTIRE match to see!!
2020 DERBY CITY CLASSIC Bigfoot 10-Ball Challenge
SEMI-FINAL: Francisco Bustamante vs. Jayson Shaw
The entire Accu-Stats collection of 36 matches from 2020 Derby City Classic is now available on Accu-Stats' Vimeo Video On Demand. 10-Ball, Banks, One Pocket, and 9-Ball! So many great and amazing matches!
Rent, buy, or subscribe here: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/asvod/
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You can watch over 375 Accu-Stats Arena matches from the 2018 and 2019 INTL 9-BALL OPEN and 2017-2020 Derby City Classic, as well as other Accu-Stats Invitationals and US Open 9-Ball Championships on Accu-Stats Vimeo Subscription service: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/asvod/
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International Open Website: https://www.international9ballopen.com
©2020 Accu-Stats Video Productions
#derbycityclassic #accustats #franciscobustamante #jaysonshaw