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【德州SENKO】一根Senko走天下(上): 最简单有效的大嘴钓组Texas Senko: the Simplest & Most Effective Rig for Bass Fishing!

渔乐圈ACOCA 53,559 7 years ago
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本集分享Bass大戏中,最“简单操作+打击面广+实效性”的一款用饵,德州Senko!Gary Yamamoto第一天创造Senko开始,它便在江湖上兴风作浪从未停息...甚至很多江湖人士,凭着一根Senko就能打遍天下... Here is what I will share you guys the first simplest and the most effective bass fishing rig"Texas Senko". You will find the Key Secret for Weightless Senko fishing and what kind of Rod ,Line and Color of senko SinoS suggested! -------------------------------------------------- 钓鱼发骚友扫货平台:】 渔乐圈量身制定:骚™系列SUPER™ SERIES 1)"大眼镰刀钩,钓花三剑克Super™ Sickle Jigs“ ------ 2)"扫鲈神器,四大美女 Super™ Chatter Jigs” ------ 3)“钓花水上漂,凌波四仙子 Super™ Smart Floats“ ----- 4)“泡眼冰钓钩,致命小可爱 Super™ Ice Jigs“ ----- 5)"收割大花花,就用镰刀钩 III Super™ Sickle Jigs III“ ----- 6)"花鲈糖果,半眼米诺 Super™ Sweet Minnows“ ----- 【钓鱼发骚友扫货平台】 【专题列表 Playlists】 #骚系列SuperSeries #技高一筹FishingTechniques #开箱评测UnboxingReview #寻找花鲈FindingCrappie #冰钓荒野IceFishing #新手抄本BeginnersNotebook #卡鸭钓鱼KayakFishing #钓点介绍FishingSpots #渔在舌尖CatchnCook #渔游列国TravelFishing #家庭渔乐FishingWithFamily #渔你同行FishingWithYou #渔夫日记FishermansVlog #历史视频ACOCAVideos #短视频Shorts -------------------------------------------------- To Find SinoS and ACOCA Fishing Studio 联系"摸鱼校尉"SinoS和渔乐圈工作室: Homepage: Youtube: Facebook: Email: [email protected] Wechat: ACOCAfishing -------------------------------------------------- Please Subscribe, Like and Comment! 感谢订阅/留言/分享!
