We're back on Wasteland Dam for a 2v2 featuring Senna & Futurama vs Dirve & BikeRushOwnz!
Quiz Info and stream:
//Big thanks to the folks who support the channel on Patreon:
Oz Media, 影视飓风 Mediastorm, d34dlyshadow, anoxic, Spud, Admiral_Ackbar47, TheArbiter, Isaac H, Josh C, Joel S, Yurii S, David R, Paul D, JhinWick, Mec, Jason B, mrl515, Phil L, Sir_Djack, Dominick V, Naginatana Cruiser, Faisal Al-J, Hawks, Cardo S, William H, Event Horizon, JPEAKE128, Jeffrey F, Fedon C, Jakob M, Marek N, Teckdoc, John M, Adamz A, Boyko K, Breathofire, Caffeine, shan_rocks, Lily R, Squatlock, TuningFork, Monty C, R, Iain W, Umer Q, Mark, Kuro, P. M. R., Al J, Jiacheng H, Candice D, Chris T, Haoran H, T34mki11, Whimsiest Fœcken Tomcat, Newtype_Nate, zaneyd, Schneefernerkopf, Savaged Regime, Squish, Brian, Colton B, MetalTao, Sparky Ampersand, Gabriel F, bbb, Havasmann, Razor Crest, LtVictor, Yannik, Jacob R, Michael H, Fonsky_, Blazin Ace, Dávid Borsodi, sdrwer erwer, Cameron S, Interphase, Rui, MrCalhoun, fluffyninjarobatech, Ondan Fifal, Freddie I, Brett A, Chris A, abablabab, as109, & Autarch Cyrus!
Throw me a tip on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sybert
Play Command & Conquer online: https://cnc-online.net
Connect with me:
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sybert
Send replays or questions to: sybertreplays[at]gmail[dot]com