See the beauty of my early autumn garden. It's no dig so there are few weeds, healthy soil means high quality vegetables, and we have sustained good growth in dry conditions with economical watering.
00:00 Introduction
00:46 Cabbages, green Filderkraut, not quite mature, and red Granat
01:15 Asparagus - some grown from seed, and some from crowns (roots)
01:56 A look at an area that was weedy pasture 6 months ago, now recently harvested of winter squash - some with teeth marks from voles
02:51 Bindweed levered out after harvesting the squash
03:16 Plans for next planting in this cleared area - mustards and rye
03:44 Small sunflowers and dahlias with aphid blackfly - I give some info on blackfly
05:11 Beds with multisown leeks, salads and interplanted kale - 2nd plantings after potatoes
05:40 Borlotti beans mostly dry
06:32 Savoy cabbages and calabrese, 2nd plantings after onions
06:52 Purple sprouting broccoli, 2nd planting after beetroot
07:04 A look at one of the harvested Boltardy beetroot from homesaved seed - large but not woody
08:04 Red cabbage Granat, and green Filderkraut, which we shall use to make Sauerkraut
08:54 Chinese cabbages, Yuki
09:30 Spring cabbage, Wintergreen
10:04 Chervil - garlic soon to be grown in-between
10:49 Apple tree, Kidd’s Orange Red - some apples with insect damage
11:42 How to tell if an apple is ripe
12:58 Chicories, Luisa - I cut one open to look inside
14:06 A loofah plant in the polytunnel
14:40 First winter plantings - chard, kale, coriander
15:02 How to ripen tomatoes more quickly
16:01 Snack paprika peppers
16:24 Downy mildew on cucumber leaves
17:30 Helichrysum flowers
17:52 Aubergines, coming to the end of their harvest period
18:29 Weeding, and using a hoe
19:39 The Small Garden - winter cauliflower following squash, multisown leeks, cabbage, swede, parsnips, chicories, spinach under tomatoes
21:03 Squash harvests in the conservatory - Crown Prince
21:48 In the greenhouse are many final sowings - lettuce, endive, spring onions, winter purslane, lamb’s lettuce
22:20 Malabar spinach, an unusual plant
23:12 Rosada F1 tomato plant, and propagating from sideshoots
23:41 Strawberries, and badgers!
24:04 Winter plantings - aubergines, and an agretti plant
25:11 Mizuna after courgettes, which had powdery mildew
25:39 Beautiful dahlias
26:41 Some info on No Dig Day - 3rd November
You can see the other half of my garden in the summer tour of August
This playlist has more about autumn gardening
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