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Dave Smith has been making synths for 40 years, and traditionally has sold them at a relatively high price. With the Rev2, an update to the original Prophet 08 analog poly synth, that has changed.
The 8 and 16 voice keyboard versions of the Rev2 cost just like the newly announced Korg Prologue, but have substantially more modulation options. The 8 voice Rev2 costs as much as the 8 voice Novation Peak, but is multi-timbral.
Has Dave Smith come out with a "value" poly synth?
This clip is a comprehensive review and overview of all the features an options of the new Prophet Rev2.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comment section below
NOTE: Occasionally I’ll try out affiliate marketing and include affiliate links. This means that I may earn a commission when you click on or make purchases via affiliate links. The content of this clip is entirely my opinion, and was not paid for or dictated in any what by the company creating the gear. Without addressing the particulars of products shown here as they might be under NDA, gear shown on this channel may be either sent by the manufacturer, on loan for review or bought at a discount.