Welcome to Seriesly Serious Sunday!! Every Sunday and Thursday night, Dusty Book Sniffers and I meet up to read and discuss books during live reading & productivity sprints! We're everyone's favorite booktuber duo, keeping things casual, and speaking our minds, uncensored, and we love making new friends, so come hang out with us whether you're reading the same book or not!
Thanks so much for tuning in to #reading and #productivitysprints! It's our 1st meet-up for #SerieslySerious #BookClub's #Outlander Series #ReadALong!! #Reading the #series with us isn't required for you to hang out, but if you are participating in the read-a-long, today we're scheduled to start Book One: _Outlander_ and going to the top of Chapter 7. Make sure to check out the Schedule in our spreadsheet linked below for all our reading plans!
*BUT TODAY....READ WHATEVER YOU WANT!* 🤪 We're just so glad you're here to hang out with us!
*_Join us every Thurs & Sun night (Fri & Mon mornings in the Southern Hemisphere) for Sprints!_*
*Click the link below if you'd like to support my channel to get access to perks:*
*You can also support the channel by:*
*READING NOW:* _Outlander_ (Book One): https://amzn.to/43jCtBh
*READING NEXT:* _The Fallen Gods Trilogy:_
+ Book One: _Godkiller:_ https://amzn.to/4k60iTj
+ Book Two: _Sunbringer:_ https://amzn.to/3X74xUU
+ Book Three: _Faithbreaker_ Preorder: https://amzn.to/3EPiznO *OR* Request on #NetGalley: https://www.netgalley.com/catalog/book/530316 (ON _READ NOW_ as of 2/20/25!!) *AND/OR* on Audio: https://www.netgalley.com/catalog/book/581370
+ Book Two _Dragonfly in Ember:_ https://amzn.to/4i12zNY
+ Book Three: _Voyager:_ https://amzn.to/3QGXFK4
+ Book Four: _Drums in Autumn:_ https://amzn.to/4hXIfNN
+ _Outlander:_ Books 1-4: https://amzn.to/41lZPns
_Created and Hosted by: Nicole from @DustyBookSniffers and MYSELF_ 🐲
+ _**The Seriesly Serious Spreadsheet:*_ https://bit.ly/SerieslySeriousSchedule ⬅️ _This is where you'll find our reading schedule and a form to suggest series for future read-a-longs!_
+ _**The Seriesly Serious Discord Discussion*_ is located in The Dusty Book Sniffers Discord: https://discord.gg/GjZbTyH7Tv _See you there!_
+ _*Join us every Thurs & Sun night (Fri & Mon mornings in the Southern Hemisphere) for Sprints!_
*_Poetry Books:_*
+ _Amazon:_ https://amzn.to/42xDeXe
+ _Barnes & Noble:_ https://shorturl.at/TcuB1
+ _Google Play Books:_ https://shorturl.at/sGgwg
*_Horror Stories:_*
+ _Amazon:_ https://amzn.to/3CzVnZU
+ _Barnes & Noble (Nook):_ https://shorturl.at/EE2Nb
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cineman84
StoryGraph: https://app.thestorygraph.com/profile/kodameansfriend
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/bykoda
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/22xlgofbbz55gaatbbgu7myri
Amazon Wish List: https://amzn.to/4hESXbf
+ _All Amazon links in this description are affiliate links, so I will get a minor commission if you choose to purchase anything using my links (that means if you purchase one of *my* books from Amazon, I'll actually get a small portion of *Amazon's cut.*_ 😂
+ _At this time, Seriesly Serious Bookclub is not affiliated with any of the authors or books on the club's TBR_
#booktube #booktuber #smallbooktuber #readingsprints #productivitysprints #pomodoro #pomodorolive #livereadingsprints #readingwithfriends #buddyreads #buddyreading #livereading #livereadingsprints #smallbooktube #tbrmeanstobuddyread #sprints #readwithmefun #readwithus #readwithme #bookclub #pomodorostudywithme #seriesreadalong #DustyBookSniffers #YourBookTubeBestie #KodaMeansFriend #interactivereading #bookdiscussions #serieslyseriousbookclub #seriouslyserious #seriouslyseriousbookclub #OutlanderSeries