Second video of the 'Quiet Cy-Fi' ('cyber fiction') project, a series of audio ambiences, flavoured with a cyber\tech\futuristic atmosphere.
Calm, lulling, introspective, immersive, a bit mysterious perhaps.
In this ambience, you sit at the main terminal of a server room in the futuristic basement floor of a data-center, with no one around except you and the (very, very) droning machines. You dig in the endless mole of information flowing in the flashing nano-circuits.
► the magnificent artwork is courtesy of NEIL GOWLAND [] (the animation effects are added by me). Thank you so much Mr. Gowland;
► server drone [many thanks to jerome_moinet from];
► several types of fans\conditioning drones [many thanks to LG from ];
► a huge multitude of electric and electronic sounds, beeps and clicks [many thanks to luiiiiiiii from , Tomlija from , harri from];
► radio scanner;
You can also hear a nice and cyber-y music clip by ERH from
IMPORTANT: the Creative Common licence covers the sounds but NOT the artwork, which is property of Neil Gowland.
As always, I suggest you download the full VBR MP3 [101.1 Mb] ---!9V8DiKLZ!WRo-fETNF_flsQbMLy6rLsWYWERrnldZzAZI7IIPFTA --- (download usually works better with Google Chrome)
Binaural & Loopable
If you want to loop this video directly on your browser, go here:
One final note:
I, personally, find this kind of stuff immensely helpful for any kind of concentrated (studying, working etc.) and/or relaxed state of mind. I also find it particularly good for immersion (writing, rpg etc.).
Of course it is a personal preference of mine, and I have created this ambience primarly for myself, but I really wished to share it in case there could be other people benefiting from this project.
Hope you enjoy (: