I cant believe we haven't names this little guy yet! really can't think of a good one, so drop your ideas in the comments for what he should be called.
For anyone interested in the aquarium it is an @interpetltd3008 Aqua Cube 28 litre. It suited this build perfectly being simple to set up and not expensive to buy.
If you want to find out more about this aquarium click the link below.
Always remember to test your water as often as you can, do small, regular water changes and feed sparingly until your tank is fully mature.
Marbled Betta
Black lava pebbles
Lotus seed pods
Badam pods
Aquarium plant list:
Anubias nana
Anubias nana mini
Limnophila heterophylla
Hygrophila polysperma
Bucephalandra theia
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Affiliate links to some of my favourite products below:
Aqua cube aquarium UK https://amzn.to/4grGt63 US
Media bags UK https://amzn.to/4g2FtGr US https://amzn.to/3XfvJRJ
NT Labs shrimp enhancer UK https://amzn.to/3x6EZgA
NT Labs test kit UK https://amzn.to/48FI854
NT Labs PRO-F tropical UK https://amzn.to/3RA6S8b
NT Labs PRO-F nano UK https://amzn.to/3GDIjRu
NT Labs PRO-F micro crumb https://amzn.to/3RBTy3p
NT Labs Axosafe UK https://amzn.to/3ZHqg5T
NT Labs Axocure UK https://amzn.to/3POA9Kx
NT Labs Axolotl Junior food https://amzn.to/3F81OkI
NT Labs Axolotl adult food https://amzn.to/48Guqio
Small metal shelving UK https://amzn.to/4ajOQhv
Large metal shelving UK https://amzn.to/4cIQoU6 similar US https://amzn.to/4cI4pky
Feeding spoons UK https://amzn.to/49guhSd US https://amzn.to/47VJUgP
Water Lettuce UK https://amzn.to/3RHNXce