I will guide you guys on setting up a serverless project with typescript lambda functions for AWS. I will help in setting up some example HTTP triggered lambdas, as well as an SNS topic trigger lambda. I will also show how to configure serverless to deploy to AWS as well as run in offline mode and how to debug your lambdas locally.
Starter Project link: https://github.com/leoroese/aws-ts-serverless-setup-tutorial/tree/starter
Finished: https://github.com/leoroese/aws-ts-serverless-setup-tutorial
Useful Documentation
Serverless: https://www.serverless.com/framework/docs/
DefinatelyTyped: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/aws-lambda
0:00 intro
0:30 what is serverless
4:40 project start setup
7:30 serverless config
10:30 http triggered lambdas
14:28 serverless deploy
16:55 sns resource
18:40 sns triggered lambda
19:56 serverless offline
25:20 setup debugging