Welcome to my latest DIY project! 🛠️ Join me as I setup four individual 16x16 LED matrix panels into a stunning 32x32 LED display! 💡 Powered by a reliable 5V mains transformer and seamlessly controlled by the Smart Show Pro-ONE controller, I will guide you through the entire setup process, from wiring to software configuration. Plus, at the end we look at some of the effects achieved with our newly assembled LED masterpiece!
🔌✨ #DIY #LEDMatrix #Electronics #Maker #Tutorial #LED #TechHacks #Arduino #SmartShowPro #DIYProjects #LEDdisplay
00:00 Introduction
01:40 Look at the 5v transformer
02:46 Look at the LED matrix panels
07:20 Connecting the LED panels to power
15:05 Connecting the LED panels to the LED controller
16:30 Connecting to our network and running a couple of tests
18:45 Logging on to the Pro-One controller
20:10 Running Jinx! software and setting up the LED panels
28:30 First colour test – and some examples
31:15 Review of our setup
34:00 End bit and LED amination examples
34:35 *** Additional LED information ***
For more information regarding the setup of the Smart Show controller
Please have a look at my 3 videos looking at the full unboxing,
setup and testing the Pro-One controller:
Smart Show Web Site: -
Jinx! LED Software