Hello everyone and welcome back to the channel. We're back with another K-Pop reaction for you here today!
In this behind-the-scenes look at Seventeen's 8th fan meeting, SEVENTEEN in CARAT LAND, we get an exclusive glimpse into the unit reverse recording sessions. This special event showcases the members stepping out of their usual roles, with vocalists taking on rap parts and rappers embracing vocal lines, highlighting their versatility and camaraderie. The video captures candid moments of the members experimenting with different ad-libs, playful banter, and the creative process that brings their performances to life.
If you're interested in seeing Seventeen's dynamic unit interactions and their creative process during this unique fan meeting, this behind-the-scenes footage is a must-watch!
Watch the original video here:
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If it’s your birthday, Happy Birthday. We'll see you at the next one.
Audio Attributions:
groove1.wav by Votives -- https://freesound.org/s/139319/ -- License: Attribution 3.0
Logotype, Raw Intro Outro, Trailer 02.wav by MATRIXXX_ -- https://freesound.org/s/454700/ -- License: Creative Commons 0.
#aftr #Seventeen #CARATLAND #SeventeenReaction #KPop #SeventeenBehindTheScenes #SeventeenRecording #Carat #KPopReaction #SeventeenUnit #SeventeenPractice #SeventeenChoreography #SeventeenFans #KPopFans #SEVENTEENinCARATLAND #UnitReverseRecording #SeventeenFanMeeting #Seventeen2024 #BehindTheScenes #SVT8thFanMeeting #SeventeenVersatility #SeventeenAdlibs #SeventeenCamaraderie