#Sewfrugal25 Which Free Sewing Pattern To Make? - Help Me Choose #FreeSewingPattern
Thank you for watching! Below are the links to anything I talk about in the video.
📏 My measurements are:
Height 5’8
⭐️ Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/sewing.bunny/
🧵 If you would like to support my channel by buying me a cup of tea 🫖 it would be very much appreciated - https://ko-fi.com/sewingbunny
👗 I am wearing:
Harper Cardigan by Sinclair patterns - https://uk.sinclairpatterns.com/products/harper-classic-knit-cardigan-and-duster-pdf
Things mentioned:
Sew Frugal challenge run by :
Sam - @Frugalisama
Ruan - @theyorkshiresewgirl
Patterns mentioned:
Sew over it Annie blouse - https://sewoverit.com/products/annie-blouse-sewing-pattern
Pauline Alice Onil - https://www.paulinealicepatterns.com/en/sewing-patterns/276-onil-blouse.html
Tiana’s closet Mavy - https://tianascloset.com/index.php/2024/02/24/mavy-tie-back-top-free-pdf-sewing-pattern/
Playlistnif the vlogger tour:
Todays vloggers are myself and @SewLikeDotty