When I made my first BJD wig, I made the foolish mistake of thinking I could attach the loose fibers to the wig cap with just a single row of machine stitches. Now that I've had a little more experience, I know I need to make wefts first for sewn wigs! Today I'm sharing how I make my soft wig caps, as well as the method I use for turning both synthetic fibers and natural fibers like alpaca locks into wefts for making wigs.
My husband ordered a bunch more raw alpaca locks for me for my birthday, so I'll be making a lot of wigs this year! Should I make videos about preparing the locks too? Cleaning, combing, and sharing what products I use on the locks before making them into wigs? Let me know what you think!
Find me, and more updates about my dolls and work:
★ Blog: http://www.ithilear.com
★ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/lomilmalinde/
★ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lomisplayground
♫ Music: Distant by Micah Dixon
Used with personal permission.
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