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汕頭Shantou|潮汕Chaoshan|胶己人|粿kueh|蠔烙蠔仔煎|牛肉火鍋Beef hotpot|美食天堂Food Paradis#中國美食 #小吃 #streetfood #citywalk

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#中國美食 #小吃 #streetfood #chinesefood #citywalk #潮汕 #蠔仔煎 潮汕地區自古以來素有「三山六水一分地,種田如繡花」之稱,也是這種精耕細作的勞動方式,催生了潮汕人在飲食上也以精巧著稱。每當年節到來之時,你若置身於潮汕的菜市之中,總會看見各種各樣的應節食物,有的店舖正在一邊製作,一邊兜售各種不同應節的糕點粿品,一眼望去琳瑯滿目,似如天界寶庫被打翻,墜落在這凡塵的煙火之中;有的店鋪則在出售各種熟食,諸如色澤亮麗,味道鮮香的滷鵝等等。潮汕人對於吃這件事,從來都是追求精益求精,只要東西好吃,潮汕人願意花時間和功夫去滿足那一刻的口舌之欲。而這些花費時間和功夫製作出來的食物,也常常給予潮汕人極為深刻的記憶,促使其能夠一直在潮汕人之中世代傳承,對於潮汕食物的記憶,很多時候都是與年節相關,因而與之相關的食物,都是潮汕人印象最深刻的。 潮汕飲食之豐富向來不是只言片語所能概括,生於斯長於斯,潮味是印在舌尖上的家鄉記憶。每一種食物的背後,總是有著說不出道不盡的情懷。食物對潮汕人來說,不只果腹那麼簡單。潮汕人會用心思將好的食物敬獻給先祖神明,祈求他們保佑平安。也會將祭祀後的食物互相分享,讓親朋好友一起透過食物的分享一起享受先祖神明的福澤。食物往往在潮汕人心目中都承載著許許多多的感情和美好的祝愿,人們透過分享食物,或互相幫助製作各種食物,從而凝結感情,讓食物變得不僅僅只是果腹的單一性目的,除了果腹之外,食物也在傳遞友誼。 潮汕地區保留了明顯的海洋文明的遺跡,而海洋文明最重要的特徵就是經商文化。自古以來富甲一方的豪強數不勝數。而經商貿易的發展不僅為潮汕地區帶來經濟上的繁榮,也促使潮汕人成為最容易接受新生事物,最具先進開放思想的族群。這種海洋文明也給予了潮汕人冒險的底氣。古時靠海吃海,與惡劣地變化多端的海洋氣候拼搏;近代冒險出海,在海外白手起家,打拼賺錢。這種堅韌不拔、頑強不屈的精神甚至體現在白色恐怖的高壓之下,潮汕人仍然能夠在敵人的眼皮底下,開闢出一條中共地下交通線,在共產黨生死存亡之際,保護和運輸了一大批的人員和物資。所以潮汕人的身上總帶著一股豪氣,那種天不怕、地不怕,將生死置之度外的豪氣。潮汕人逢年過節總有拜不完的老爺,敬不完的神仙,不同的節日不同的神仙還要用不同的貢品,各種民俗活動層出不窮,著實讓人眼花繚亂。怪不得全國人民都願意到潮汕地區過年,因為這裡是最有年味的地方。 Since ancient times, the Chaoshan area has been known as "three mountains and six rivers, one part of the land, and farming is like embroidery." It is also this intensive and meticulous working method that has given rise to the Chaoshan people's reputation for sophistication in their diet. Whenever the New Year comes, if you are in the Chaoshan vegetable market, you will always see a variety of seasonal foods. Some shops are making and selling various pastries and cakes for different seasons. You can see them at a glance. There is a dazzling array of things to see, as if a heavenly treasure house has been overturned and fallen into the mundane fireworks; some shops are selling all kinds of cooked food, such as braised goose with bright color and delicious taste. Chaoshan people have always pursued excellence when it comes to eating. As long as the food is delicious, Chaoshan people are willing to spend time and effort to satisfy their cravings at that moment. These foods that take time and effort to prepare often give Chaoshan people very deep memories, allowing them to be passed down from generation to generation among Chaoshan people. The memory of Chaoshan food is often related to the New Year, so it is related to the festival. The related foods are the most impressive to Chaoshan people. The richness of Chaoshan food cannot be summed up in just a few words. Born and raised here, the taste of Chaoshan is the memory of hometown imprinted on the tip of the tongue. Behind every kind of food, there are always indescribable feelings. For Chaoshan people, food is more than just filling their stomachs. Chaoshan people will thoughtfully offer good food to their ancestors and gods, praying for their blessing and safety. The food after the sacrifice will also be shared with each other, so that relatives and friends can enjoy the blessings of the ancestors and gods through the sharing of food. Food often carries many emotions and good wishes in the hearts of Chaoshan people. By sharing food or helping each other make various foods, people condense their feelings and make food more than just a single purpose of filling their stomachs. In addition to filling our stomachs, food also conveys friendship. The Chaoshan area retains obvious relics of maritime civilization, and one of the most important features of maritime civilization is business culture. Since ancient times, there have been countless wealthy people. The development of business and trade not only brought economic prosperity to the Chaoshan region, but also made Chaoshan people the most receptive to new things and the most advanced and open-minded ethnic group. This kind of marine civilization also gives Chaoshan people the confidence to take risks and fight hard. In ancient times, people relied on the sea to eat and struggled with the harsh and changeable ocean climate; in modern times, they ventured out to sea, started from scratch overseas, and worked hard to make money. This perseverance and unyielding spirit was even reflected in the high pressure of the White Terror. Chaoshan people were still able to open up an underground communication line for the CCP under the eyes of the enemy, protecting and transporting a large number of people when the Communist Party was in danger of life and death. personnel and supplies. Therefore, Chaoshan people always have a sense of heroism in their bodies, the kind of heroism that is not afraid of heaven and earth, and puts life and death aside. Chaoshan people always have endless lords to pay homage to and gods to worship during festivals. Different gods and gods pay different tributes during different festivals. Various folk activities emerge in endlessly, which is really dazzling. No wonder people all over the country are willing to celebrate the New Year in Chaoshan area, because this is the most festive place.
