Welcome to my channel!
In today’s video, I am answering questions from the #sharethelove started by @Elmcolors !
Please visit her and see her original video at https://youtu.be/SxTUa2xiiRs?si=mLtPa8wQPGnSqQKm
And for Cat’s video tutorial on background pebbles: https://youtu.be/Hax3EIY5xYU?si=z-HeVjCEqr1VP0ct
Enjoy and thank you for stopping by!
- Candice/Sister Minh Bão
Email me: HappyCatastrophy@gmail.com
Instagram: HappyCatastrophy
Happy mail me: PO Box 97
Walterville, OR 97489
Buy me a latte (and my eternal gratitude):
Paypal: https://rb.gy/s2tyfy
Amazon Wishlist: https://rb.gy/3dk8bm
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#adultcoloringcommunity #colouringbooks #adultcolouringbooks