*सारांश:* भगवान शिवाचे संस्कार करण्याचा अधिकार कोणाला आहे यावरून दोन धर्मनिष्ठ धार्मिक कुटुंबे नेहमी भांडतात. शेवटी, ते बैलगाडी शर्यतीत सहभागी होऊन प्रकरण मिटवण्याचा निर्णय घेतात. ऐस बैलगाडी स्वार, धनंजय (सचिन पिळगावकर), याला गावाला धार्मिक सन्मान मिळवून देण्यासाठी अत्यंत अपेक्षित असलेल्या शर्यतीत भाग घेण्यास सांगितले जाते, परंतु त्याच्या शेवटच्या पराभवाची आठवण त्याला सतावत आहे.
*Synopsis:* Two highly religious families always fight over who has the right to perform Lord Shiva's rites. Ultimately, they decide to settle the matter by participating in the highly anticipated bullock cart race. Dhananjay, is asked to take part in the highly anticipated race to win the village a religious honour, but the memory of his last defeat continues to haunt him.
*Plot Synopsis:* Every year, a traditional bullock-cart race takes place in a rural village of Maharashtra, with the winning family performing the significant Shiv Puja. For years, Dhananjay Rao (Sachin Pilgaonkar) has won the race for Gayatri's (Neena Kulkarni) family. However, Pratapsingh (Vidyadhar Joshi) uses underhanded tactics to make Dhananjay lose, resulting in a tragic accident that kills several people and injures the bullocks. Devastated, Dhananjay moves to the city. He returns five years later, but initially refuses to participate in the race. Ultimately, circumstances force him to compete once more, facing off against the formidable Pratapsingh.
*Genre:* Drama, Action
*Star Cast:* Sachin Pilgaonkar, Neena Kulkarni, Santosh Juvekar, Vidyadhar Joshi, Bhargarvi Chirmule, Sampada Joglekar
*Director:* Viju Mane
*Producer:* Darshana Nilesh Sawant
*Banner:* Ashwamedh Productions
*Music:* Chinar-Mahesh
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