Shaykh Sulaiman Moola - Night 4 Gaza
00:00:00 - 00:10:33 - The happenings in the world
00:10:33 - 00:31:49 - Double Standards
00:31:49 - 00:38:10 - Talk about parents
00:38:10 - 00:38:53 - Double standards
00:38:53 - 00:42:22 - Authority
00:42:22 - 00:48:51 - Lying/Rumours
00:48:51 - 00:49:32 - One Nation Team
00:49:32 - 00:54:57 - Praising people
00:54:57 - 00:56:33 - Rumours
00:56:33 - 1:00:14 - Moosa (AS) Story of an Argument
1:00:14 - 01:02:32- Moosa (AS) & Pharoh
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