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Subscribe to the group channel: @AmpWorld.
Special guest:
@jimena Jimenez
Follow the squad:
Ben Azelart - @ben azelart
Lexi Hensler @Lexi Hensler
Stokes Twins: @StokesTwins
Lexi Rivera - @Alexa Rivera
Jeremy Hutchins: @jeremyhutchins
Andrew Davila - @Andrew Davila
Dom Brack - @dombrack
Mason Fulp: @Mason Fulp
Pierson: @pierson
hang out with me on social media:
SnapChat, Add me: TheBrentRivera
Instagram: @BrentRivera
Twitter: @BrentRivera
Facebook: @BrentRivera
TikTok: @BrentRivera
I have all rights to use this audio in this video according to Final Cut Pro's/YouTube's "terms of use."