"Sherman’s “Flying Column” at the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain: Major General John M. Schofield and the 23rd Army Corps,
10 June – 10 July 1864"
By 1864, the battle weary and bloodied Confederate armies lacked the means to conquer the Union forces pushing into Southern territory. In response to the continued Northern aggression, Confederate leaders opted for a strategy of survival and attrition. The strategy required Richmond and Atlanta to redouble their defensive efforts in the face of a scorched earth offensive led by Major General William T. Sherman. Sherman’s objective was the annihilation of Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston’s Army of Tennessee and the capture of Atlanta. The campaign faltered at the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain and might have stalled completely but for a daring flank attack. Dr. J. Britt McCarley of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) will give a lecture examining the brilliant maneuver based on his new book, The Atlanta and Savannah Campaigns, May-December 1864. Dr. McCarley will discuss Union Major General John M. Schofield’s successful and far-reaching envelopment of the eight-mile Confederate line and its critical strategic implications.
Length: 73 Minutes
Lecture Date: July 16, 2014