This piece, together with “Tsuru no Sugomori,” is considered to be one of the two greatest secret pieces. Kinko Kurosawa learned Kinko Ryu Shakuhachi Honkyoku “Shika no Tone” from Ikkeishi zen master of Shojuken, and its expression is subtly different from this piece. As the poem by Sarumaru Dayu, one of the Thirty Six Poetic Sages, contained in the Hyakunin Isshu reads, “Autumn at its saddest - rustling through the leaves and moving on alone, deep into the mountains, I hear a lonely stag belling for his doe,” this piece interweaves the deer and autumnal moods, representing scenes deep in the mountains in a richly poetic manner.
The official title of this piece is “Nagasaki Shojukenden Yobikaeshi Shika no Tone.” It comes in a duo version in which two players perform together, and a solo version performed by one player.
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Performed during the Spring Night Time Special Museum Open Mamino Yorita shakuhachi recital (Miho Museum).
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この曲は「鶴の巣籠」と共に、二大秘曲の一つとされます。琴古流尺八本曲「鹿の遠音」は初代 黒沢琴古が松寿軒の「一計子」禅師より習ったもので、この曲とは微妙に異なる表現をします。
三十六歌仙の一人「猿丸太夫」が百人一首の中で「奥山に 紅葉踏み分け 鳴く鹿の 声聞く時ぞ 秋は悲しき」と歌っているように、この曲は鹿と秋の風趣を絡めて詩情豊かに深山の情景を表現しています。
『春の夜間特別開館 寄田真見乃 尺八リサイタル』(MIHO MUSEUM)にて演奏
◆General Corporation Juridical Person gem|Shakuhachi player Mamino Yorita & Yoshinobu Taniguchi
◆Official Instagram