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Shoaib Akhtar's Most Insane Yorkers | Best Swing Bowling | Reverse Swing Masterclass

Cricket Mania 662,256 1 year ago
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A collection of some of the most insane, brilliant and amazing yorkers by Shoaib Akhtar to some of the World's best and famous batsmen over the years. An epic collage and amazing collection. #Shoaibakhtar #Shoaibakhtarbowling #Shoaibakhtarbestbowling #shoaibakhtarbowlingvsIndia #bestbowling #bestswingbowling #Shoaibakhtarbestswingbowling #shoaibakhtarbestyorkers #yorker #adamgilchrist #sachintendulkar #rahuldravid #jacqueskallis #cricket #cricketmania #crickethighlights #pakistancricket #PakistanClassicCricketMatch #irfanpathan #shoaibakhtarvsrahuldravid #shoaibakhtarvssachintendulkar #shoaibakhtarvsadamgilchrist #shoaibakhtarvsjacqueskallis
