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• Mettu Azhagiya Singar:
The Majestic Protector of Srirangam
Srirangam, regarded as the royal seat of all Srivaishnavas, holds a special significance in the Sri Vaishnava Sampradayam. As the most important Divya Desam, it is said that only when proper Thiruvaradhanam (ritual worship) is conducted in Srirangam, it ensures that Thiruvaradhanams performed elsewhere are proper and complete. In simpler terms, Srirangam functions as the main source that energizes the entire circuit of Srivaishnava worship. It is the root of our tradition, as most of the revered Azhwars and Acharyas spent their significant lifetimes here, nurturing and spreading the Sampradayam.
In today’s exploration of Srirangam’s lesser-known facts, we turn our focus to the majestic Mettu Azhagiya Singar Perumal Temple, a sanctum that emanates divine protection and power. Located on the northern side of the temple, adjacent to Thayar Sannidhi, this Narasimha Perumal, known as Thirugopurathu Nayanar, is affectionately called Mettu Azhagiya Singar due to his elevated placement on a gopuram (tower).
Origins and Purpose This magnificent Sannidhi of Narasimha Perumal was installed by Raja Dharma Varma Chozhan. It is believed that the placement of this deity, in such a high location on a gopuram, serves to protect the entire temple complex. This resonates with the traditional role of Narasimha as a fierce protector, ensuring the safety and sanctity of the Srirangam temple.Divine Beauty and Form The form of Mettu Azhagiya Singar is extraordinary and breathtaking. His posture is one of majesty and might—one hand is lifted towards the sky, while the other hand rests in the iconic position of tearing apart Hiranyakashipu, symbolizing the ultimate triumph of good over evil. At his divine feet, Prahladha, his most ardent devotee, is seen bowing in reverence. Despite his ferocious appearance as Narasimha (the man-lion form), his beauty is captivating, earning him the title "Azhagiya Singar" (the beautiful lion). The name Thirugopurathu Nayanar stems from his placement atop the gopuram, emphasizing his unique position in the temple.
Cultural and Literary Significance This Narasimha Sannidhi also holds great cultural and literary importance. Opposite to the sannidhi lies a mandapam (hall), where the famous poet Kambar wrote his version of the Ramayana. It is said that Kambar himself made references to this Singa Perumal in his revered text, further solidifying the temple's significance in Tamil literature and spiritual tradition.In addition, the beauty of this Singa Perumal is celebrated in Parasara Bhattar’s Rangarajasthavam, a beautiful composition dedicated to the glory of Lord Ranganatha. In his verses, Bhattar makes specific mention of Mettu Azhagiya Singar’s awe-inspiring appearance and his role as a protector. Bhattar praises him in the following verse:
व्यापि रूपमपि गोष्पदयित्वा
भक्तवत्सलतयोज्झितवेलम् ।
गोपुरोपरि विजृभितमीडे ॥
In this verse, Bhattar marvels at how Narasimha, despite his all-pervading (vyApi) form, contracted his immense Brahmanda roopam to dwell in a small space—like the heart lotus of his devotees. Similarly, the Lord remained hidden inside the pillar from which he emerged to protect Prahladha and vanquish Hiranyakashipu. Bhattar delights in the darshan of VimAna Narasimhan, a form of Narasimha residing on the Sriranga Vimanam, protecting the devotees with his constant presence.
A Timeless Protector Mettu Azhagiya Singar’s presence continues to inspire reverence and devotion. Whether through literary mentions or his own divine form, this Narasimha Perumal stands as a majestic protector of Srirangam, shielding the temple and its devotees. His unique positioning atop the gopuram and the connection with Kambar’s Ramayana add layers of significance to his sannidhi.To this day, Mettu Azhagiya Singar’s role in safeguarding the temple remains.