Fun & Interesting

Shootout: CC Radio EP v/s GE Super Radio II

NSNorfolk 11,368 lượt xem 4 years ago
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One of my restored GE Super Radio II, AM-FM portables takes on a 2nd (or is it 3rd, by now?) generation CC Radio EP. See how well a 40-year-old radio that has been rebuilt stacks up against a present technology, popular, DSP/Analog receiver. I can restore your radio, also, just drop me a note. My e-mail address appears several time in the comments of the article linked, below. Here is that article and review of a restored, GE SR-II:

Here are the comments of a recent customer:

Just received GE Super II yesterday. Magnificent job! Just on casual listening, I can sense the steep (and symmetrical) skirts on the 10.7 IF. Best I've heard on any receiver of this vintage. AM selectivity about the best I've heard as well. Easily separates a local clear channel from a weak adjacent. Your work is now a treasured item!

Nice video quality, huh? It was made with a Canon EOS 5DII with a Canon 50mm prime lens. The color temp & exposure were manually corrected against an 18% gray card.
