How's your short game? Learn to pitch it closer and master your use of your wedges by watching tips in a real golf lesson. James looks at Jake's short game swing and looks to develop this for better control of distance, ball flight and trajectory. Big thanks to Jake for allowing us to film his lesson.
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00:00 Introduction to Pitching it closer in your short game with your wedges.
00:53 Body weight distribution in the wedge swing
02:48 Ball position
03:50 Rhythm of your swing and analysis with a Blast Motion Sensor
11:52 Club Grip
12:37 Length of swing and use of the body during the swing
16:00 Front foot position and hip movement
16:38 Review of setting yourself up for a wedge shot
19:25 Distance control
20:12 Rear Arm Swing control
20:45 Back swing and carry length
22:24 Conclusion
Check out my website: James Palmer Golf
If you're interested in working with James Palmer golf on future videos get in touch as we're always keen to hear from potential sponsors and collaborators.
Video and Youtube production by Phil Barnes Commercial Photography. Music licensed from Artlist.IO.