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If you're a shorter rider but want to learn how to ride a big bike like BMW R 1250 GS or Honda Africa Twin, or any other tall adventure or dirt bike, watch this series for short rider tips and tricks.
This is the first episode in the series of exercises for shorter riders. The complete series can be found here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsKOiceLPhvr0aaH4G1HX40ytmTX8ZNg1
Exercise summary:
- Approach the bike from the left (kickstand) side. Keep the engine off.
- Throw the right leg over, push the bike to stand vertically. Keep the kickstand down. Find the position of the bike where keeping it upright feels effortless. This may take some time. Take that time, don’t rush.
- Note the position of your arms and how your body feels holding this balance.
- Stay calm and breathe. Treat it like just another physical exercise.
- Don’t look at the bike or your arms or legs. Look ahead, just like you do while riding.
- Jump to the other side. If concerned, ask your friend to hold the bike for the first few times.
Note the position of your arms and the rest of your body from this side. People typically favor one side. Our goal is to be equally skilled on both sides.
- Jump to the left side again. Then back to the right side. Make sure you have full control of the bike’s balance upon landing. You shouldn’t have to catch the bike. Stay calm, breathe and look ahead .
- After 10-15 repeats take a break. Do more of these 10-15 rep sets until landing on the other side feels natural, easy, and fully controlled.
- Practice, be safe, and have fun!