So I posted this because I felt like to post about My Version of Tord (Tordsworld), since I haven't focused on Tordsworld, and somehow ppl like this AU, which to me it's another EW AU copy and paste.
So now Tordsworld Rewrite, it's just like OG EW AU but more on my vision of how I would direct this AU series, with more of open ideas that original Eddsworld hasn't touched on and the lore being changed just like Mattsworld Rewrite.
I made this cover because I haven't seen a Tordsworld Shot Memory cover (outside of Green Fury) so I'm here just in case someone fucks up either Edd or Tord.L 's (Tordsworld) Chromatic Scale.
Midi by Krong
Chromatic Scales
Tord by Sprio96
Edd (George Gould) by @AliceBeaumont07
#eddsworld #fridaynightfunkin #fnfcover #tordsworld