Should I Repot my Grocery Store Phalaenopsis Orchid after Buying?
A good rule of thumb is to repot a new orchid as soon as practical after it is purchased. Usually this means when it goes out of bloom. Orchids need to be repotted before their media breaks down and smothers the roots.
Orchid plants need repotting for one or a combination of two main factors: Potting mix breaks down, often evidenced by dead roots, or the plant outgrowing the container. In the first case, a larger pot may not be required, simply replace the growing medium. In the second case, the plant may need dividing or may be shifted into a larger pot. Fresh media should always be used. A good general rule of thumb is to pot for the bottom of the plant, the root system, and not for the top, the foliage.
New Growers Guide to Repotting Phalaenopsis Orchids
Beginners Care Tips for New Planted Phalaenopsis Orchids
How to Anchor Rootless Phalaenopsis Orchids in Pots
Plantting Phalaenopsis Orchids In Organic Media Video Tutorial
Orchid Pots pH Pour Through Method
When to Repot Phalaenopsis Orchids
#OrchidCare #PhalaenopsisRepot #OrchidsForDummies #Pots