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After 40 years of collecting Beatles vinyl, am I done? After all, how many Beatles records do you really need? Tired of buying overpriced, average quality, poorly packed vinyl online, I go into my local town to see if it's still possible to find Beatles records in the wild. Join me around the fleamarket and local record stores to see what I come home with. Also, if I were to purge my collection, what would be the records I would keep?
Our on-location video about The Beatles filming 'Help! in Obertauern, Austria: https://youtu.be/ZHF0EKQNi74
Check out our The Beatles Museum playlist where we visit an incredible private collection of Beatles vinyl and memorabilia in France: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZczbX_Vy3bCAFFDEm1ch8BU40edQHzx9
Pure Fidelity website: https://purefidelity.ca/
Stratos Cartridge: https://purefidelity.ca/product/stratos-mc/
Check out some great sounding vintage Beatles and 60s vinyl on our website: https://www.parlogramauctions.com
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