See & Listen to the Classic Car show (a few new). Big blocks and original issues rumble or sleekly slip by. Classic Cars & a few new Cars & Trucks cruising and lining the streets for blocks and blocks at the "Show and Go Car Show" Riverside, Ca May 5th 2023. We're positioned at an intersection to get non-stop classic car coverage. The actual audio is left intact so you can hear the engines some silent others ready for the track reviving and smoking the tires.
The carefully-crafted serpentine wound through numerous classic car lined blocks of downtown Riverside. there were numerous ways to see all the cars..
#1 You could sit still and wait for them all to cruise by which was great fun and allowed you to see just about every one.
#2 What you didn't see moving you saw lining every block & easily viewable.
#3 Ride the retro buses at any one of the stops it makes along the route!
We really enjoyed being able to look and hear the cars. First along the avenue sitting still checking out the motors and restorations and then we stood back and heard them fire up and enter the cars traversing the provided routes
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#dodge #dodgechallenger #dodgecharger #dodgecustom #1900s #1910 #1920s #1930s #1950s #1960s #1970 #chevynova #chevy #chevymalibu #chevroletcamaro #chevrolet #plymouth #plymouthroadrunner #superbee #dragrace #dragracing #streettakeover #cruising #cruiser #cruiserlife #harleydavidson #harley #chrome #bus #buses #mach1 #impala #catalina #chevelle #chevelless #ss #smokingthetires #mercedes #mercury #mopar #moparornocar #showroom #restoration #restore #mods #original #airbag #airbags #hydraulic #slicks #drivein #driveinstyle #jeep #jeeplife #woody #paneltruck #firetruck #lamborghini #lambo
#filmora #filmoramobile