FULL SEASON COMPILATION OF THE HIP NEW OBJECT SHOW THAT DEFINITELY CAME OUT IN NOVEMBER! the idea behind the show is that everyone makes an episode completely independently without knowing anything about the other episodes! it went great!
0:00 Ep 1: Okay What About the Hill, Bill? - @TTGuy10000
6:45 Ep 2: I Never Done a Backflip -@WebzForevz
9:19 Ep 3: We're Not Some Baby Object Show -@RedBreloom
12:08 Ep 4: This Is Definitely Your Fault! - @Blundue
15:38 Ep 5: The Musical Episode @YellowAngiru
18:42 Ep 6: Bring Your Father to Work Day -@Plainsville
25:43 Ep 7: Reservoir Friends -@pirans5969
27:47 Ep 8: Bill Finds the Rock of Object Show Lore, Creating a Fortune and a New Legacy (AIRED!) -@Wuggolo.
31:01 Ep 9: So It's Like a Quest? -@XanyLeaves
37:09 Ep 10: Into the Vemberverse -@SteamedMilkStudio