सा विद्या या विमुक्तये ||
Knowledge is that which liberates!
In the 5th day’s recital of Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Katha, by renowned Katha orator Sadhvi Aditi Bharti Ji, disciple of Divya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji, listen to the insightful saga of Maa Saraswati – the bestower of Knowledge. Also, know about the power of divine love through the character sketch of Maa Radha.
• Discussion on Prakriti-tattva
• Glory of Maa Radha and Maa Saraswati
• Basant Panchami Celebration
WATCH D-Live Webstream of Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Katha in Dehradun [9th to 15th April 2023] on DJJS YouTube channel from 12th to 18th April 2023 | 10 AM to 1 PM & 7 PM to 10 PM [IST].
The Katha Is dedicated to the Nature Conservation Program of DJJS – Sanrakshan!
P.S. Katha at DJJS is not an ordinary storytelling but unveiling and sharing of life-changing Spiritual wisdom imbued in ancient Indian Scriptures.
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