蝦多士總會帶給我們很多不同的回憶,每次吃蝦多士都會想起party ,又或是很多年前位於中環萬宜大廈的紅寶石餐廳。蝦多士不但成為我們的集體回憶 ,在美加和澳州都深受歡迎,在網上有關蝦多士的食譜也多不勝數,而這款蝦多士的做法是我的演繹版。為何我要用兩款蝦?如何將蝦仁做到「彈牙」?在屋企如何做煎炸菜式?為何用厚多士?
蝦 700g
薯粉 (生粉)1湯匙
鰹魚粉 1茶匙
白胡椒粉 1/2茶匙
蛋白 2茶匙
日本麵包糠 酌量
麵粉 1/2湯匙
麻油 1茶匙
白芝麻 2茶匙
厚多士 2-3片
Shrimp 700g
Potato starch 1 tablespoon
Dashi powder 1 teaspoon
White Pepper 1/2 teaspoon
Egg white 2 teaspoons
Bread Crumbs ( Japanese Panko )
Flour 1/2 tablespoon
Sesame oil 1 teaspoon
White sesame 2 teaspoons
Thick Bread 2-3 pieces
-Remove the shell/intestines of the shrimp, drain them with kitchen paper, pat them flat with a knife, add potato flour/flour to make shrimp paste, add dashi powder and white pepper, then add egg white, panko and flour, mix well by hand, then put in the fridge for 15 to 20 minutes
-Cut the bread into 4 pieces
-Put 1 drop of sesame oil into the shrimp paste, then spread a little flour on the bread, then put the shrimp paste on the top
-Heat up the pan with oil, put the prawn side down first, fry it in the oil around 1 minute, and fry other side for another minute,
take the toast out, add top with sesame seeds, and serve
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#JohnRocha #䶢蝦燦 #蝦多士