Sid wakes up and can't stop sneezing. He makes his way into the kitchen where he finds his Dad in the middle of a similar sneeze attack. Sid soon discovers that just like his Dad, he might be allergic to pollen! This leads Sid on a mission to learn more about allergies. Mom can think of someone who knows a lot about allergies...Grandma-she's a nurse! At school, Grandma helps the kids discover that sometimes our bodies can react strongly to something we touch, smell, or eat, so our bodies try to fight it off-and that's an allergy. Gerald tells everyone that he has a food allergy - he can't eat strawberries. Wanting to help their friend, Sid, May, and Gabriela decide to make their class a Strawberry-Free-Zone! Gerald is touched, and Susie suggests a special Super Fab Lab survey to discover if other people they know also have allergies.
Director: Kirk R. Thatcher
Writer: Joseph Purdy
Stars: Julianne Buescher, Alice Dinnean, Drew Massey
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