On this very auspicious and religious festival of Ganesh Chaturthi, In this archival video, Sri M speaks about the significance of the different aspects of the Elephant God, Lord Ganesha. He expounds the spiritual significance of those aspects of Lord Ganesha and their place in one's spiritual journey.
This satsang took place in the Mahaganapathy Temple premises in Trivandrum in the year 2010.
0:00 - Prayer - Akanda mandalakaram
0:28 - Introduction - Ganesha as a symbol
2:01 - Rig veda declares the manifestation of divinity
3:28 - Ganesha invoked first
4:00 - Shloka from the Ganesha Sthavam, explaining Him as a manifestation of the ParaBrahman
5:28 - Ganesha - A symbol of the Mooladhara ; Explanation from the point of view of Yoga and Tantra
10:04 - Ganesha created form the earth from Parvathi's (Shakti or Kundalini) body, belongs to the Prithvi, Earth. (Mooladhara)
12:00 - Ganesha, the elephant God - Symbol of the Elephant
14:54 - Ganesha as a symbol of satisfaction, fulfillment and happiness
16:39 - Story from the Puranas
17:40 - Ganesha representing the letter 'Om'
18:36 - Significance of the contrast of Ganesha and his vahana(vehicle)
20:20 - Explanation of the symbols in Ganesha's hand
22:55 - Ganesha's third eye, ajna Chakra
23:46 - Story explaining what Ganesha represents; symbol of the true aspirant
25:26 - Different names of Ganesha; Explanation of the names, Ganapathy, Vigneshwara
26:42 - Significance of the broken tusk of Ganesha
27:56 - Ganesha's consorts - Siddhi and Buddhi
29:42 - Significance of breaking coconuts for Ganesha
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#SriM #SignificanceofLordGanesha #GaneshChaturthi